In DaiRanger Episode 40, Zydos grows and does battle with the Thunder
however he escapes
due to a cardboard cutout
type thing of
some sort.
This next footage comes from Episode 48.
Here's 2 shots of the Tigerzord Warrior Mode and Thunder Megazord
facing off against Zydos.

Here's a shot of Tigerzord Warrior Mode against Zydos.
Here's a shot of Zydos with his Volcano Head.
Here's a shot of the Volcano Head Zydos facing off against Tigerzord
Warrior Mode and Thunder Megazord.
Here's 3 shots of the Ultrazord landing on Zydos
and here's an actual
shot of the Ultrazord actually landing on him.
Here are 2 shots of Zydos turning into clay.