are 4 humans who are Gorma beings who can combine together in
order to form a 4-Headed Monster, here's the shot of the Monster and close-up shots
of all 4 of his faces however the shot of
the monster shows other characters in the background. The monster grows
immediately. The
Rangers call for their Beasts. "MegaTigerzord" forms immediately. Red
Dragon WM (Warrior Mode) also forms so it's Red Dragon WM and Mega
Tigerzord against Fourhead.
Red Dragon WM tries attacking Fourhead with its Staff.
Mega Tigerzord tries attacking Fourhead with its Firebird hand/arm.
Mega Tigerzord's Firebird Finisher destroys Fourhead.
However in a following scene, the Gorma beings who make up Fourhead
have been brought back somehow.
Here are shots of the Crystal that belongs to Kameo.