footage comes from DaiRanger Episode 45 and 46. First up is 45.
2 shots of Zilong
and here's a shot of
his Staff
and then a shot
of his Double-Forked Staff.
Here's Zilong and his Red Eye Beam attack.
Here's 2 shots of Zilong with a Red Monster.

Here's a shot of Kaku as the Red Monster.
Here's a shot of lightning hitting the Staff.
Next up is 46.
Here's a full shot of Kaku in his Gorma suit.
Here's a shot of Giant Zilong.
Here's a shot of Zilong and the Thunder Megazord.
Here's 2 shots of Zilong attacking the Thunder Megazord.

Here's the Megazord Saber effect finishing off Zilong.
This following shot is a shot of Shadam in his new Armor from Episode