Here's Bait Sniper
Here's an interior shot of the Prison
Here's a news article of a young female Photographer who keeps on
taking pictures of the Londarz Family and the Timeranger
Honami, the young photographer is actually in love with Ayase and she
knows who the Timeranger are but she thinks Ayase is the Yellow one.
Here's a picture of Ayase and a picture of the Yellow Ranger
Here's another pic of Bait Sniper
Here's Pink flying the Time Jet
Here's another pic of Bait Sniper
Here's Circuit flying
Here's the Circuit Search Radar
Here's Bait Sniper with C-bots
Here's 3 Rangers with their Sabers
Bait Sniper grows.
Pink does the stupid thing of what most Rangers do with firing their
weapon (in this case her Cannon weapon thingie) at a Giant monster.
Here's Mode Red deflecting Sniper's laser blast
Here's Sniper looking up at the flying Mode Blue
Basically in a nutshell Bait Sniper was using Honami in an attempt to
trap the Timeranger however the Timeranger knew what she was up to and
Sion reprogrammed his Cannon so that he would be able to use it to
create a barrier powerful enough that would temporarily stop the
Sniper's lasers.