Following info comes from Mega 50.
Here's Red Ecliptor. ![](
Here's a shot of the Silver Ranger and Red Ecliptor facing off. ![](
Here's Giant Red Ecliptor.
Here's the Astro Megazord, Mega Winger and Delta Megazord facing off
against Red Ecliptor. ![](,%20Mega%20Winger%20and%20Delta%20Megazord%20vs%20Red%20Ecliptor.jpg)
Here's a shot of Giant Red Ecliptor on Earth. ![](
NOTE: Lady Blue has extrensive injuries due to Red's Saber attacking
her when the attack was meant for Red Ecliptor but she got in the way
of the attack and took it for Red Ecliptor.
Red Ecliptor is destroyed by Red's Saber Slash.
Lady Blue blows up while talking to Hinelar in their base because her
injuries are just too severe.