Ogre's Club hits Red![](http://rangerarchive.com/Sentai/Magi/Club%20hits%20Red.jpg)
Blue kicks Ogre![](http://rangerarchive.com/Sentai/Magi/Blue%20kicks%20Ogre.jpg)
Crossbow laser hits Ogre![](http://rangerarchive.com/Sentai/Magi/Crossbow%20hits%20Ogre.jpg)
Pink and Blue Wands hit Ogre![](http://rangerarchive.com/Sentai/Magi/Wands%20hit%20Ogre.jpg)
2nd shot of Ogre![](http://rangerarchive.com/Sentai/Magi/Ogre%202.jpg)
Magical barrier which is powerful enough to stop an oncoming Monster's
attack and it can also send them flying once it (the Monster) impacts
with the
The finisher in which the Titan Megazord uses its Saber to create a
Magic Seal and then uses its Saber to strike the Seal towards Ogre is
the one that
destroys him.