Here's Tradirpor.

Here's how the KakuRanger Ball Pass went in this episode. Ninja White
started it out and then she threw it to Ninja Yellow who used his head
to send it to Ninja Blue who kicked it to Ninja Blue who used his head
to send it to Ninjaman (Ninjor.) The following picture is what happens
after Ninjaman catches the Ball.
Here's a shot of Ninja Red kicking the KakuRanger Ball.
Here's a shot of the Ninja Megazord and Ninjor facing off against
Here's a shot of the Shogun Megazord joining the battle.
Here's a shot of Giant Tradirpor sparking up after being hit by Ninjor
Warrior's Energy Ball.
Here's a shot of the Fire Saber hitting Tradirpor.
Here's a shot of the Ninja Megazord using its Ape Wolf Punch which hits
Here's a shot of the Ninja Megazord, Ninjor Warrior and Shogun