Here's a shot of Giant Blue Globbor in Kaku Mode with Ninja Black's Bow.

Here's a shot of Kaku Globbor facing the Ninja Megazord and the Shogun

Here's a shot of the Kaku Globbor with the Yellow KakuRanger Ball.

Here's a shot of Kaku Globbor with the Blue KakuRanger Ball.

Here's 3 shots of Ninjor and the KakuRanger in the evil lair.

Here's a shot of the Shogun Fire Saber hitting Globbor.

Here's a shot of Globbor sparking up after being hit by Ninjor
Warrior's Energy Ball. The Energy Ball is what destroys him.

Here's a shot of the Space Skull.
In KakuRanger, Globbor's weakness is due to being linked to Master Vile
so whatever someone does to Master Vile, the same thing is done to the
In Kaku 44 is when Vile turns Silent Knight into
a statue, this was done due to the Silent Knight's planned betrayal.
All shots of Kaku Mode Globbor is Giant footage.