Here's 8 shots of the Ox Cowboy.




Here's how the KakuRanger Ball went in this episode. Ninja White started it off like she usually does. She throws it to Ninja Yellow who uses his head to send it to Ninja Blue who kicks it to Ninja Black. The next 3 shots is what happens after Ninja Black catches it. Here's a shot of Ninja Black holding the KakuRanger Ball as Ninja Red gets close to kicking it away however it appears that he does make contact with it.
Here's a shot of the KakuRanger Ball glowing with red energy.
Here's a shot of the KakuRanger Ball heading towards the Ox Cowboy which defeats it.
Here's a shot of Giant Ox and Giant Ninjor.
Here's a shot of Ninjor Warrior Mode and the Giant Ox.
Here's a shot of Ninjor Warrior stabbing Ox with his Javelin while the Ninja Megazord connects at the same time with its Ape Wolf Punch which ends up destroying the Ox creature.
Here's a shot of Ninjor Warrior and the Ninja Megazord posing after their victory.