Here's 2 shots of Sand Witch.
KakuRanger Ball went like this in this episode. Ninja White started it
off and then threw it to Ninja Yellow who used his head to send it to
Ninja Blue who kicked it to Ninja Black. The next 2 images are what
happens after Ninja Blue kicks it to Black and after Ninja Black
catches it.
Here's a shot of Ninja Black holding the KakuRanger Ball
Here's a shot of Ninja Red kicking the Ball however Sand Witch captures
the Ball in her jar. 
Here's 3 shots of Sand Witch.
Here's a shot of the Blue Katana Square Finisher hitting Sand Witch.
This Blue Square Finisher was formed in "real live action time" instead
of the usual generic background that was usually used.
Here's a shot of Sand Witch and the Ninja Megazord fighting, this is a
side shot.
Here's a shot of Sand Witch and the Ninja Megazord fighting.
Here's a shot of Sand Witch pointing her Jar with the Wolfzord in the
same shot.
Here's a shot of the Ninja Megazord's Ape Wolf Punch hitting Sand Witch