Here's a couple shots of the Cat Bus which is the KakuRanger base of
Here's a shot of Ninja Red's Decoy Suit Trick.
Here's a shot of Ninja Yellow.
Here's a couple shots of Octo-Head.
Here's a shot of Parrot Top with Octo-Head's head.
Here's a shot of Ninja White's Katana Shape/Symbol Finisher hitting the
headless Octo-Head however this was one during Ninja Red was his
Shogunzord and was doing battle after Parrot Top and Octo-Head's Head..
Here's a shot of the growth lightning hitting Parrot Top and Octo-Head.
Here's a shot of the Red Shogunzord.
This zord doesn't
have a cockpit
in KakuRanger due to the fact that the KakuRanger are their Shogunzords.
Here's a shot of the Red Shogunzord with its Slicer weapon.
Here's a shot of the Slicer Beam Finisher going through Parrot Top and
Octo-Head's head
which destroys them.