Here's Red's energized Sword attacking Vexacus.
Blue attacks Fura with her Sword ![](
Much like the other Hurricangers, Yellow attacks Wendiu with his
energized Ninja Sword slash technique
Zurgane has been struck by Crimson's Staff's Thunder Slash technique
Shimazu has been struck by the Thunder power as well
More than likely he was struck by Crimson's
Navy uses the Antler/Staff combo to strike Motodrone
Navy's Antler/Staff combo likely apparetly strikes Choobo as well
Zentipede in Ultimate form but now small-sized
Nanami helmetless but morphed
Here's Kouta, helmetless but morphed
Here's Ikkou, helmetless but morphed
Isshu, helmetless but morphed
Yousuke, morphed but helmetless