Here's Octink with his cousiin Choobo
2nd shot of Octink ![](http://rangerarchive.com/Sentai/H/Octink.jpg)
Here's another military object that Red uses a Ninja Trick to change
into... in a technical sense
Here's a shot of Octink being struck by Red's powered-up Ninja Sword
slash move
Storm Megazord is all wrapped up on Octink's tentacles
Discs 6
and Sphere 6 ![](http://rangerarchive.com/Sentai/H/Sphere%206.jpg)
Squid Drill ![](http://rangerarchive.com/Sentai/H/Drill.jpg)
Here's the Thunder Megazord with the Serpent Sword and it's facing off
against the Storm Megazord with the Turtle Hammer
Here's the broken Turtle Mace Dissc