Episode 49
Here's a couple shots of the Green Gem that Olympius left behind after
he was destroyed.
Due to Jinxer's request which Bansheera accepts, a combination of her
powers and Jinxer's spell revives the gem as Impus
and then into
Olympius ![](http://rangerarchive.com/GoGoV/Olympius%2049.jpg)
Here's Olympius and Diabolico ![](http://rangerarchive.com/GoGoV/Olympius%20and%20Diabolico.jpg)
Here's another shot of Diabolico ![](http://rangerarchive.com/GoGoV/Diabolico%2049.jpg)
NOTE: This was the first appearance of the Bansheera-powered Giant
forms of Diabolico and Olympius however there wasn't a decent pic of
either form in this episode.
Episode 50
Here's Giants Olympius and Diabolico ![](http://rangerarchive.com/GoGoV/Olympius%20and%20Diabolico%2050.jpg)
Here is what is shown on the case that a hero opens up that Mondo gave
the Shuttle Pilot to give to Matsuri and her brother ![](http://rangerarchive.com/GoGoV/50.jpg)
Here's Giant Diabolico ![](http://rangerarchive.com/GoGoV/Giant%20Diabolico%2050.jpg)
Here's Giant Olympius ![](http://rangerarchive.com/GoGoV/Giant%20Olympius%2050.jpg)
Here's the Lifeforce Megazord
and its Cockpit
Here's more Lifeforce Megazord shots