Here's a Demon Card that apparently
belongs to Olympius.
Here's Red Flower
Here's the Blue Ranger with the new Thermo Blaster
Here's a shot of the Blue Ranger with his Thermo Blaster in a new mode
Here's a shot of Batlings, Olympius and the Blue Ranger
Here's a shot of the Blue Ranger aiming his 2 Blasters at Olympius
Here's the Blue Ranger with his Thermo Blaster in a new mode
Spectral Blast destroys Red Flower.
Here's Giant Red Flower
Here's some additional shots of the Max Solarzord in Shuttle Mode
Here's a shot of the Lightspeed Solarzord and the Red Flower
Here's a shot of the Blue Ranger standing on the Lightspeed Solarzord
Red Flower is destroyed by the Lightspeed Solarzord's Cannons.
Episode 30
Here's the 10 zords in the zord bay
Here's a shot of the Red Ranger with his Blaster
Here's a shot of the 5 Rangers on the platform that goes down to the
zord bay area
Here's a shot of the Omegazords while the Solarzord
is hooked up to the
Here's the Omega Crawler
Here's the Omega Cockpit
Here's the Omega Megazord