Here's Mermatron
Here's a shot of Mermatron and the Pink Ranger
Here's a shot of Mermatron releasing some white
ball things which
restores people who he turned young back to their natural age,
Mermatron releases these things because the Pink Ranger fires her
V-Lancer Blaster at him which breaks his wing.
Here's a shot of Mermatron while the Rangers are holding onto the Pink
The Spectral Blast destroys Mermatron.
Here's Giant Mermatron
Here's a shot of the Supertrain Megazord sparking up after Mermatron
attacks it
Here's another shot of the Max Solarzord in Shuttle Mode
Here's a shot of Mermatron and the Max Solarzord in Battle Mode In this shot,
Mermatron is already down due
to the Max Solarzord in Battle Mode kicking him.
The Supertrain Megazord's Turbine Finisher is what destroys Mermatron.
NOTE: This is the first episode in which we see Bansheera's true face.