Here's a Demon Card. ![](
Here's Jinxer, the Furnace Monster and Diabolico. ;
and here's a better
shot or 2 of the Furnace
Here's 2 shots of the Furnace Monster releasing its smoke.
Here's a shot of the Yellow Ranger facing towards the Furnace Monster,
in this particular
shot the Furnace Monster
is smoking already because the Yellow Ranger landed a few hits against
Here's a shot of the Furnace Monster riding on a bike. ![](
Yellow rode the Red Cycle in order to run into the Furnace Monster
riding his Bike, this collison damages the Monster and then Yellow
doing a headstand while trying to keep a Furnace Monster Ball steady in
between his legs,
Red kicks the
Furnace Ball towards the
Monster and this damages him more.
Yellow calls for the Rescuebird. The Unilaser destroys the monster.
Jinxer recites the growth resurrection spell while still in Skull
Here's the Giant Furnace Monster.
Yellow calls for the Supertrain.
Here's the Furnace Monster facing off against the Megazord. ![](
The Lightspeed Megazord uses its spinning move while its Ladder Arms
are extended.
Here's a shot of the Furnace Monster smoking up after the Megazord
attacks it with its Saber. ![](
The Lightspeed Megazord Saber Fire Finisher is what destroys the
Furnace Monster.