Here's Arachnasura
Here's Red and Arachnasura
Here's a shot of Hayate with Swordter fallen down
Hayate defeated Swordter in a battle while he was using her own Sword.
Here's Arachasura sending a blast at the Magna Defender
Here's another shot of Arachnasura
Here's a shot of Arachnasura sparking up after being attacked by
Green's Transdaggers
Lights of Orion Power-Up Mode defeats Arachnasura.
Here's Giant Arachnasura
Here's Arachnasura with the Orion-powered Megazord
Here's some more shots of the Zenith Carrierzord
Here's the Zenith in Battle Mode
Here are the Centaurzords
Here are the Stratozords in the Zenith Carrierzord while it's
positioned in Battle Mode
Here's another shot of the Centaurzords
Here's another shot of the Stratozords
Here's a shot of Arachnasura sparking up after Centaurus tackles him
Here's a shot of Arachnasura sparking up after the Stratoforce Megazord
kicks him
Arachnasura is destroyed by the attacks of the Stratoforce Phoenix
Boomerang, the Centaurus Rhino Blaster and the Orion Saber Finisher.