Here's Super Nayzor grabbing White by the neck ![](
Here's a shot of Super Nayzor grabbing a demorphed White by the neck ![](
Here's a shot of Animus assisting in the battle against Super Nayzor however he's not physically there ![](
Here's some shots of Kite's Sentai counterparft
Here's a shot of pieces that the 4 Gaoranger in their 'Spirit World'
have to put together however those pieces are levitating above a pool
of magma. ![](
Here's the Falcon Summoner ![](
Here's the Falcon Summoner in its Bow Mode ![](
Here's Giant Super Nayzor ![](
Here's the Falcon Crystal
Here's the Falcon Summoner in its Summoner Mode ![](
Here's the Falcon ![](
Here's the Isis Megazord cockpit ![](
Here's the Isis Megazord preparing its Final Strike move ![](
Here's a shot of Nayzor smoking up ![](
Here's a shot of the Lunar Cue hitting Nayzor's Crown ![](
The Rangers finish off Nayzor with their Savage Sword Savage Slash technique.