Eyesac on Lothor's Ship
Start of Sentai footage
New footage of the Navy Tsunami Cycle
The footage that plays on Cam's Super Computer Monitor involving Eyesac
is new footage.
More new footage since for one thing, Eyesac was only Giant-sized in
Sentai and for another thing, in Hurricanger, Motodrone and Eyesac were
actually the same being.
More new footage![](http://rangerarchive.com/Power%20Rangers/2/Ninja%20Storm/Eyesac,%20Motodrone%20-%20new.jpg)
Scroll of Empowerment doing its business on Earth is the usual Sentai
stock footage.
However then you will see a flash of light and then you will see new
footage of Eyesac as a Giant
Also new footage, there's no editing trick involved here to make it
seem like Eyesac was just edited into the footage from another shot
Once you see the Storm Megazord that is when it goes back to Sentai
Here's Storm Megazord and Eyesac doing battling while Dustin and Tori
in Ranger form are on the Tsunami Cycles on the rooftop
Now the shots of the Blue and Yellow Rangers
riding the Thunder Tsunami Cycles are new footage but those shots are
edited into the Sentai footage.
Back to new footage![](http://rangerarchive.com/Power%20Rangers/2/Ninja%20Storm/Y%20and%20Blue%20on%20Thunder%20Tsunami%20Cycles.jpg)
Back to Sentai
For some strange reason they changed the color of Eyesac's destruction
explosion so that it wouldn't be a purplish pinkish color instead of
the more proper fiery explosion. Eyesac's explosion is not new footage,
it's Sentai footage but they just changed the color of the explosion
for whatever reason.
This shot of the Megazord Cockpit originates from Hurricanger 44
NOTE: The training system with Tori and Shane riding the Tsunami Cycles
originates from Hurricanger 36.
Some Giant Eyesac footage originates from Hurricanger 37.