Kelzak Furies
Here's the start of Sentai footage
Back to new footage
Back to Sentai
Back to new footage
Here's more new footage of Beevil but this time with her Staff
Here's Marah's dream of being the Pink Ranger
Back to Sentai
Back to new
Back to Sentai
Back to new footage
The footage of Beevil that's show on Cam's Ninja Ops' Super Computer
Monitor is all new footage including anything that shows the supposed
Construction Workers.
Here's the strange device that Marah gave Dustin
More new footage
Kelzak Furies and Beevil
Kelzak Furies
Ninja Swords in Gold Mode
The Scroll on Earth is stock footage.
Flash of light then new footage of Giant Beevil
New Lionzord Cockpit
This Giant Beevil shot is when it goes back to Sentai
Any shots of the downloading and receiving of the Power Disc as well as
the picking it up parts will always be Sentai footage.
Any shots of the Disc slot and the Disc Turner/Activator is also Sentai
This also looks new
Once you see the Storm Megazord then that is when it goes back to
Sentai footage.
Back to new due to new cockpit shot
Back to Sentai once you see the Megazord again.
Back to new