Here's new footage of Kelzaks
Blue's Tsunami Cycle
Here's the Remote for the Mobile Command Center
(will have to edit height and width)
Mobile Command Center
Yellow Tsunami Cycle
Tsunami Cycles
New footage of the Thunder Rangers
Here's an exterior shot of what appears to be a hospital
The footage seen on Cam's Computer Monitor of the disturbance as well
as of Terramole is all Sentai footage.
Once the morph sequences end then that is when it's back to the start
of Sentai footage.
Here's new footage of the Rangers
Right now I do not know at the present time but it certainly looks like
Sentai footage and even though I thought it was, after closer review, I
believe it to be new footage.
These shots by the motocross track
appear to be new footage.
Here's when it goes back to Sentai footage, this time an aerial shot of
Blue and Red
This shot of Red is new... at first I thought it was new but it's
actually Sentai footage.
This shot of Yellow's Legs and of course his Boots would be new footage
These shots are Sentai
Back to new footage of Yellow
These shots
are back to Sentai footage.
Here's new footage of the Rangers, with Yellow atop the cliff
New footage of the Lion Hammer
These shots of Terramole appear to be new footage
This shot of Yellow in the air
is when it definitely goes back to Sentai
These shots are new footage
Once you see the Sonic Fin in the sequence that combines the weapons
into Storm Striker then that is when it definitely goes back to Sentai
Here's new footage of the Rangers with their Weapons
Scroll appears, does its usual stuff, flashes then new footage of Giant
Once you see the zords then that is when it goes back to Sentai footage.
Here's more new footage of the Rangers
This shot of the Yellow Boots is when it goes back to Sentai footage
Here's new footage of back shots of the Thunder Rangers