Start of Sentai
Back to new footage
Back to Sentai
These shots are likely new.
These shots are back to Sentai
Here's a printed article out about 2 Parents and a Baby from Turtle
Cove being presumed dead
New footage due to Putrid and Org being in same shot as the unmorphed
New footage of Signal Org
New footage of Putrids and Signal Org
Back to Sentai
Back to new
More new footage
Back to Sentai
Back to new due to it being in the eventual same shot of
an unmorphed Ranger's Growl Phone.
Back to Sentai (this one happens after the morph
Because of Cole being in the same shot, this is new
New footage
Back to Sentai
This target
is actually new footage of the Rangers with Cole being in the shot
however it's too difficult to tell whether Cole is in the shot
of the Red Light blast.
Back to Sentai
This one is something I'm uncertain about
New footage
More new
More new footage of the Sword
Back to Sentai
Back to new
Back to Sentai
Back to new
Once you see the stock shot of the Staff... which is this then it's back to Sentai fun... err....
Here's a Picture
Here's a look at the insides of Master Org's Headpiece
Here's the new form of Toxica and the new form of Jindrax
Here are 3 Tombstones
Here are some more Tombstones