This is a link to various images of Willie's Roadhouse.
Here's Willie.
This is when Sentai footage begins.
These shots are back to new footage 
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Back to new footage
Back to Sentai
Back to new footage
Back to Sentai
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is likely a case of the Wolf being Sentai but I'd have to go through clips to back that up.
However these shots  are likely new footage.

At this point I'm rethinking my thought and thinking it may be Sentai footage but oh well.


Once you see the close-up of the Wolf's paw then it's Sentai footage but once it cuts back to a faraway shot of the zord running off then that's definitely new footage.
Still New
More than likely the shot of Karaoke Org turning his knob is the Sentai footage as well as the following close-ups of his 2 'Olgu' speakers but once it cuts back to the Rangers, it's definitely new footage at that point.
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Back to new footage
Back to Sentai
Back to new footage
More new footage of Karaoke Org
Once Merrick's morph completes, it goes back into Sentai footage.
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Not sure here. I want to say new but not certain. Okay, after checking, I'm pretty sure this is new footage.
This is definitely back to Sentai footage however.
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Probably back to Sentai but regardless of that shot, it cuts to a Necronomica shot and Necronomica is always in Sentai footage.
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Here's Nayzor's Crown
They didn't show the proper flashback of Sin Wong's Toxica picking up the Crown after it fell after the Lunar Wolf Ranger had destroyed Nayzor, they used the Sentai footage of it.
New footage
The scene in which Toxica is trying to get the powers from the Crown as well as once the Crown gives her the powers is all new. This is mostly because in Sentai, it's done in what they call The Matrix but what we call The Nexus but in the Wild Force episode, she does it in another location in order to avoid alerting Master Org of her plans.
However once the background turns completely pitch black then that is when it goes back to Sentai footage.
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This is the usual Sentai stock shot close-up of Toxica's Magical Staff that they'll be using in pretty much every episode that they use her Staff to enlarge an Org in.