new footage of Diabolico, the episode starts off in new footage
however it's hard to
tell whether the cockpit stuff in the Aquabase is all new or not.
Exterior shot of the Skull Cavern is the usual Sentai stock shot of it
but all interior stuff is new footage.
The footage goes back to Sentai footage once you see the dark cloud
that lighting comes out of.
Once you see this shot of Olympius with civilains nearby,
it's back to new
Here's new footage of Olympius and Diabolico ![](
The Red Ranger uses his Trans-Armor Cycle in the fight against Olympius
however after the Cycle attacks Olympius, the Red Ranger stops it in
its tracks for a bit as seen here ![](
Here's a shot of the Rangers with their weapons ![](
The actual growing and transformation of Olympius is Sentai footage as
is the actual growing of Diabolico.
It looks like this shot of Giant Diabolico is new footage
but once you see the
zords then that's when it goes back to Sentai footage.
Once you see the morphed Green and Blue Rangers out of their zord then
that's when it goes back to new footage however once you see the Red
Ranger in a zord cockpit, that's when it goes back to Sentai footage.
All Giant footage is Sentai footage however the shots of the Blue and
Green Rangers being on the ground during the Giant footage is new while
the Giant footage is still Sentai. The footage of Jinxer being outside
of the ruins of the Skull Cavern by the Giant footage is Sentai footage.
The shot of Queen Bansheera's claw nails covering over the exterior
shot of the planet Earth is actually Sentai footage.
The shot of the helmetless female Rangers being in the Lifeforce
Megazord Bay is new footage but all shots of the Lifeforce Megazord in
its Bay is Sentai footage.
The next shots of Jinxer along with the Giants Olympius and Diabolico
are Sentai footage but once you see the Red Ranger, that's when it goes
back to new footage.
Here's new footage of the damaged Megazord and the recovered Red Ranger
Once you see the
up-close shots of Olympius and Diabolico's faces again then that's when
it goes back to Sentai footage.
After Giant Diabolico attacks the Red Ranger, you can see the Blue and
Green Rangers in new footage however once you see the Red Ranger again
then that's when it goes back to Sentai footage.
This shot of the Rangers is around the time when it goes back to new
however once you see
Olympius again, that's when it goes back to Sentai footage. The
Lifeforce Megazord appears in Sentai footage however once you see the 3
male Rangers again then that's back to new footage but then it cuts
back to Sentai footage of the Lifeforce Megazord. It then cuts back to
new footage of the 3 male Rangers and then it cuts to Sentai footage of
the Lifeforce Cockpit.
These cockpit shots are definitely new footage
but once you see the
Lifeforce Megazord then that's back to Sentai footage once again. When
the Red Ranger says "Lifeforce Level 3 - Energize!" that's new footage
but when you see a full shot of the 5 Rangers in the cockpit then
that's when it goes back to Sentai footage.
All other Megazord and Giant footage stuff is Sentai footage unless it
was otherwise stated earlier on.
All footage of Bansheera and Jinxer in the interior of the Skull Cavern
ruins is new footage.
The shot of Jinxer's flashback with him being in the same shot as the
Lifeforce Megazord is new footage however that's all that I'm certain
about in regards to it being definitely new footage.
Sentai info comes from GoGoV Episodes 49 and 50