The episode starts off in new footage.
Here's new footage of Batlings, Jinxer, Vypra and Loki ![](../../Lightspeed/Jinxer,%20Vypra%20and%20Loki.jpg)
This shot of the 5 Rangers
is when it goes to
Sentai footage.
The shot of the fire that came from the Cocoon that hits Vypra, Jinxer,
Loki and Batlings is new footage but it hitting the Rangers is Sentai
footage. After you see the fire hit Vypra, Jinxer, Loki and Batlings,
as soon as it changes to the next scene, it's back to Sentai footage.
This shot of the 4 Rangers
is when it goes back
to new footage.
Once you see this shot of the Red Ranger
then it goes back to
Sentai footage.
All footage of Vypra, Jinxer and Loki in Mariner Bay is new footage
unless otherwise stated.
This shot of the 5 Rangers
is when it goes back
to new footage.
Here's new footage of the Red Ranger charging towards Olympius while
the other 4 Rangers are still down ![](../../Lightspeed/Olympius%20and%20Rangers.jpg)
Here's another shot of Olympius, tthis time firing a beam at the Pink
Ranger which captures her ![](../../Lightspeed/Olympius%20and%20Pink.jpg)
This shot of Jinxer
is when it goes back
to Sentai footage.
This shot of Batlings, Vypra and Loki is when it goes back to new
but based on
previous info, you already knew that anyway.
All following shots of the Red Ranger until the Skull Cavern scene is
new footage.
With the Skull Cavern scene, I'm unsure about some of the
Jinxer/Olympius stuff within the Skull Cavern but I'm pretty sure that
everything else is in new footage.
Here's new footage of Thunderclaw and Jinxer in the Skull Cavern
Here's a shot of the Aquabase's interior
This appears to be
in the Weapons Lab and here's a close-up shot of some Aquabase controls![](../../Lightspeed/Aquabase%2022.jpg)
Here's more new footage of Olympius ![](../../Lightspeed/Olympius.jpg)
Here's new footage of Thunderclaw ![](../../Lightspeed/Thunderclaw.jpg)
These shots
are Sentai footage
which means it's back to Sentai.
This Thunderclaw shot
means that it's back
to new footage.
This shot
means that it's back
to Sentai footage.
These shots
are new footage so
this means that it's back to new footage.
This shot
means that it's back
to Sentai footage.
These shots
are back to new
These shots of Thunderclaw
are Sentai footage
which means that it's back to Sentai footage.
The footage of Jinxer appearing in Mariner Bay in order to throw his
Growth Card in order to revive and enlarge Thunderclaw is Sentai
All Giant footage is Sentai footage.
The last Skull Cavern scene involving Olympius, Loki and Vypra all
appears to be in new footage.
Following info comes from GoGoV Episode 26.
Here's Thunderclaw
Here's Olympius
Here's Giant Thunderclaw ![](../../GoGoV/Giant%20Thunderclaw.jpg)