This shot of Diabolico
appears to be new
This shot of Diabolico's hand in the same shot as Impus is new footage ![](
Here's another new shot of Impus with Diabolico's hand in the same shot
as him ![](
Here's new footage of the 5 Demons even though you can't really see
Loki in this shot ![](
After Loki asks to let him make a monster, the next shot of Diabolico
is Sentai footage.
Here's new footage of Thunderon and Falkar ![](
Here's new footage of Falkar
and Thunderon ![](
This shot of the Red Ranger
appears to be the
start of Sentai footage however this specific shot actually is a
recycled shot from a previous episode because this shot was not shown
in GoGoV Episode 21.
Once you see the Red Ranger touching the top of Falkar then that's when
the Sentai footage from GoGoV Episode 21 actually begins.
These shots of the Red Ranger falling down are new footage
The first shot is
the start of new footage.
This shot
means that it's
right back to Sentai footage once again. Hmm, I wonder how many times
I'm going to be saying that this time around?
This shot of the 2 morphed female Rangers
is the start of new
footage. This had to be reshot because GoPink had her visor down for
most of this shot however once the scene changes to a shot of Falkar
then it's back to Sentai footage.
The footage that Captain Mitchell and Ms. Fairweather are watching on
the Rescue Ops' Monitor in regards to the Rangers fighting Thunderon is
all Sentai footage.
Once the scene changes and goes back to the battle, it's still Sentai
This shot of the 2 Rangers
is the start of new
Once you see a close-up shot of Thunderon's feet, it's back to Sentai
footage once again.
All opened visor scenes of the Red and Pink Rangers during the time
that they're supposed to be down but they're just playing as if they're
unconscious is new footage so they keep on switching back and forth
between showing opened visor shots and Sentai footage of Thunderon and
Falkar. The shot of the Red and Pink Rangers closing their visors back
up is new footage too but it goes back to Sentai footage once you see
This shot of the Red Ranger
is new footage which
means this is the start of new footage.
This shot of Thunderon and Rangers
is back to Sentai
This shot of Falkar
is the start of new
This shot of the Demon Card in/on Falkar's back is new footage ![](
These shots
are Sentai footage,
the 1st shot is the start of the Sentai footage. The energy effects
that you can see in the pics are a result of Diabolico's Demon Card
forcing Falkar to grow.
Here's the Max Solarzord Cockpit
Thunderon didn't actually attack the Max Solarzord in Battle Mode, the
footage was edited to make it appear that Thunderon ended up firing at
it with its green beam but in GoGoV, it never shot any of its green
beams at the Max Solarzord in Battle Mode.
Here's a shot of the Max Solarzord in Battle Mode sparking up
I do not know where
this footage comes from because it doesn't come from GoGoV Episode 21
but I doubt it's new footage but I will try to keep this shot in mind.
Lightspeed makes it seem like the Max Solarzord in Battle Mode's Shield
Lasers are responsible fo destroying Thunderon but in GoGoV, it's
actually the Supertrain Megazord's Turbines that destroys him. This
shot is actually Sentai footage since it comes from a later episode but
I do not recall which 1.
NOTE: All Giant footage is Sentai footage.
NOTE: The Max Solarzord cockpit is an American-made cockpit because it
didn't have a cockpit in GoGoV. It didn't have a cockpit because there
wasn't a pilot for it in GoGoV.
Sentai info comes from GoGoV
Episode 21