There was an effect added to make it seem like Impus' Pacifier was
giving off the energy that would create his 1st Monster Cazrd. In
GoGoV, the card just appears on him.
Here's new footage of Batlings and Fireor
Here's new footage of Fireor ![](../../Lightspeed/Fireor.jpg)
Here's new footage of Fireor and the Red Ranger fighting ![](../../Lightspeed/Fireor%20and%20Red.jpg)
This shot of Fireor
is when the footage
goes into Sentai footage.
The shots of civilians reacting to the heat wave is new footage so as
long as you see morphed Rangers by these civilians then the morphed
Rangers are in new footage too.
This shot
is Sentai footage
however the effect of the
fire ring has more than likely been reversed.
The following shot of the Rangers is still new footage because they're
still with civilians but any shots of the fire ring is Sentai footage.
Here's new footage of the 4 Rangers. ![](../../Lightspeed/4%20Rangers.jpg)
All shots of the fire ring and the fire ring ball thing firing is
Sentai footage.
All shots of the Rangers being attacked by the fire ring/ball's fire
balls are new footage.
The shot that you see of Fireor as shown in Blue's readout is Sentai
footage even though Blue never uses his readout in GoGoV Episode 4.
All footage of Vypra when she appears in the city by Dana and Earl is
new footage however as soon as you see Fireor again, it's back to
Sentai footage.
This shot is the start of new footage once again ![](../../Lightspeed/Lightspeed%207.jpg)
The following shot of the Rangers is new footage but once you see a
shot of Fireor again, it's back to Sentai footage once again.
Here's new footage of the Pink Ranger ![](../../Lightspeed/Pink%20Ranger.jpg)
Once it goes to the next shot of Fireor, it goes back to Sentai footage.
Here's new footage of the Blue, Red, Pink, Green and Yellow Rangers ![](../../Lightspeed/5%20Rangers%204.jpg)
Once you see an up-close shot of the 5 Rangers' boots then it's back to
Sentai footage.
In Lightspeed, they make it seem like Fireor gets destroyed by his own
Fire Ball but in GoGoV, the Unilaser actually destroys him.
All of the Giant footage is Sentai footage.
Following info comes from GoGoV Episode 4.
Here's Impus' Card. ![](../../GoGoV/Impus%27%20Card.jpg)
Here's Fireor.
Here's Fireor and his Blade-like weapon.
Here's Fireor once again. ![](../../GoGoV/Fireor%205.jpg)
GoPink is the one who summons the Rescuebird in this ep.
Here's Giant Fireor. ![](../../GoGoV/Giant%20Fireor.jpg)
In the Sentai ep, they were letting Pink issue the orders to their