There's an exterior shot of a Planet and then it cuts into the next
shot which is when the Sentai footage begins.
Here's Deviot in the Scorpion Stinger ![](
Here's a shot of Deviot's Zord Remote in new footage ![](
Here's some Galaxy Book shots ![](
Here's a closer shot of the page with 5 GalactaBeasts in it but it
looks like the page has been torn since there's a section missing ![](
Here are the GalactaBeasts in new footage due to being in the same shot
as Maya ![](
Here's new footage of Deviot ![](
Here's a shot of a piece of torn paper that Kendrix had hidden on her
work desk, the paper looks like it's in the same format and on the same
type of paper that the Galaxy Book stuff is on ![](
After Damon tells Kendrix she doesn't have to worry about him, it then
cuts into Sentai footage of the Magna Defender.
These shots ![](
is when the Sentai
footage begins playing
from Gingaman
Sentai footage in this ep is from Ginga
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