Here's Destruxo with Stingwingers, the Stingwingers are carrying
something with them ![](
Here's another new shot of Destruxo with Stingwingers ![](
This shot
is when it goes to Sentai footage and then
it cuts back into a new shot of Destruxo
This is another new shot of Destruxo with Stingwingers ![](
The up-close shot of the front of the Compass is Sentai footage but it
then cuts back into new footage of Destruxo
This shot
is when it goes back to Sentai footage. It
then cuts back into new footage of Destruxo
This shot of Destruxo in front of phone wires
is when it goes back to Sentai footage
This shot of the 2 Female Rangers
is when it goes back to new footage
This shot
of the Yellow Ranger is when it goes back to
Sentai footage
Once you see a shot of the 3 morphed male Rangers then that is when it
goes back to new footage
Once you see Destruxo again then it's back to Sentai footage
The female Rangers see all of the civilians being unable to breathe.
While the Rangers are in Sentai footage, the civilians are in new
footage. It then cuts back into Sentai footage of the 2 female Rangers
After Pink fires her Beta Bow, she and Maya disappear and then it
eventually cuts into new footage once you see the Stingwingers
After Maya runs away from Kendrix, it then cuts to a close-up Sentai
stock of Destruxo's Staff that he placed in the grass/ground
This shot
is when it goes back to new footage
After Maya and Kendrix make up, it eventually goes into commercial
break. Once the break ends, there's an exterior shot of Terra Venture
before it cuts to a Sentai shot of Destruxo's Staff that he placed in
the ground which is when the Sentai footage begins once again. Once you
see a Stingwinger then that signals the start of new footage once again
You first see the Magna Defender in this episode in new footage due to
being in the same shot as Damon, Kai and Leo
The footage in which Magna Defender says "Torozord advance" is new
The footage in which Magna Defender orders the command of "Mega
Defender transform" is also new footage
Here's some new footage of thte Defender Torozord ![](
This shot
of the Defender Torozord is when it goes
back to Sentai footage
The footage of the Red Ranger ordering "GalactaBeasts Arise" is new
footage. It cuts into Sentai footage once you see the Sentai stock
sequence of the Lion arriving
Once Maya and Kendrix both shout "Go Galactic" it then cuts into Sentai
footage of the 2 female morphed Rangers which is when the Sentai
footage starts up again
Once the forcefield is destroyed, it then cuts to new footage of
civilians. It then cuts back to Sentai footage of the 2 female Rangers
You see the Lights of Orion exiting off of Terra Venture.
Once you see the Rangers again then that's another start of new footage
as well
Sentai footage comes from Ginga Episode 22