Frankenstein actually came
from 2 ZyuRanger episodes. He was actually destroyed in the ZyuRanger
episode that Titanus and the Thunder Slingers are first introduced. The
"Super Putties" are destroyed and then after a little battle with their
zords, the Rangers fire the Thunder Slinger/Blaster Combo at the Giant
Frankenstein monster in order to weaken him and then the Dragonzord in
Fighting Mode finishes him off. Now Frankenstein has a good deal of new
footage which includes this scene and of
course his scene in the palace when he poses after being created.
There was no scene
of him posing after coming out of the Monstermatic tube because he had
already been created off-screen before they had returned to the palace.
He was actually the first monster that was made of their new Super
Putty in ZyuRanger. This scene
of Frankenstein is
actually ZyuRanger footage.
All of the Dragonzord footage
against Frankenstein comes from the same
episode in which Titanus first appears in ZyuRanger.
After the Dragonzord in
Fighting Mode finishes Frankenstein off, in Power Rangers, he's
destroyed for good but in ZyuRanger, he actually changes into a new
monster form. This particular monster form, we know him as the monster
in "Island of Illusion, Parts 1 and 2" because he's called Mutitus in
"Power Rangers."