The exterior shot of what appears to be the Mooni is Sentai footage.
Here's new footage of 2 of Porto's Divazords being in the same shot as
Porto which is the start of new footage
Here's new footage of the 3 Divazords
Here's a shot of the new Diva Car which Rygog calls a Taxi
This shot is when it's another start of Sentai footage.
Once the morphing sequence ends and you see the 5 morphed Rangers out
on the street then that's the start of new footage.
Here's new footage of the Divazord
Here's another new shot of the Divazord
These shots are also new footage.
Once you see the usual Bay Door opening in order to dispatch
Artillatron then that's the start of Sentai footage.
All Rescue Megazord footage is Sentai footage.
Sentai footage comes from Car 41