Once you see Porto in the Turbo Megazord cockpit then it's the start of Sentai footage but only a quick sequence of Sentai footage.
Footage of Rygog talking via a communication device in the Space Base is Sentai footage.

Here's a hybrid monster so that will be done the hybrid way. .

Previous Suit

This Stone Z suit comes from Carranger however it went unused due to possible legal reasons.

This Female Tamer suit comes from Oh 27"

Metal Mangler

Here's Crosspatch  
Everything involving the Magnetic Ray Machine is new footage but once it cuts to the Turbo Megazord then it's back to Sentai footage.
This shot of the Red Ranger on the Battery is the start of new footage.
This shot of the Red Ranger is when it goes back to Sentai footage.
This shot is when it goes back to new footage.
Once you see the Red Ranger go for his Blaster in his holster then it's back to Sentai footage.
All Giant footage involving the Megazords fighting each other along with Crosspatch fighting the Rescue Megazord is all Sentai footage.

Sentai footage comes from Car 32