Here's new footage of Translucitor and this is when the new footage starts.
Footage of Translucitor on the Viewing Globe is new footage.
Once you see a Ranger step into Storm Blaster as seen here then that's the start of Sentai footage.
These shots are the start of new footage.
This shot is when it goes back to Sentai footage however once it
cuts to Translucitor then it's new footage including his lighting of
the long fuse however once you see this shot then it's back to Sentai footage.
This shot of Tranlusictor is when it goes back to new footage however once it cuts back to the female
Rangers then it's back to Sentai footage.
Once the buildings start reappearing then that's back to new footage
however once you see Translucitor again then it's back to Sentai
All Giant footage is Sentai footage.
Sentai footage comes from Car 21