Here's a shot of Piranhatrons and Elgar. ![](../../Turbo/Piranhatrons%20and%20Elgar.jpg)
Here's new footage of the Blue Senturion due to being in the same shot
as the Piranhatrons.
Here's Elgar and Wolfgang. ![](../../Turbo/Elgar%20and%20Wolfgang.jpg)
Here's new footage of Wolfgang, this shot is in the Subcraft. ![](../../Turbo/Wolfgang%20-%20new.jpg)
Once Wolfgang heads to Angel Grove, most of the footage is Sentai
footage however this shot here
is new footage.
This shot of Wolfgang is more than likely new footage but I can't be
100% sure.
Okay I'm pretty sure
that shot is new.
Here's new footage of Wolfgang. ![](../../Turbo/Wolfgang%20-%20new%202.jpg)
Here's new footage of the Turbo RAM. ![](../../Turbo/Turbo%20RAM%20-%20new%20footage.jpg)
All following shots are new footage which also appears to be this shot
of the Turbo RAM in Cannon Mode.
however the shot of
the Rangers saying
"Turbo Cannon - FIRE!" is Sentai footage however the following shot of
Wolfgang is new footage. The shot of the cars disappearing around the
stock shot of the planet Earth is Sentai footage.
Once Rygog, Elgar and Piranhatrons teleport to Angel Grove, all of the
footage is new.
Here's Wolfgang in the same shot as the Blue Senturion. This is new
footage because there was no Sentai footage of the 2 of them together. ![](../../Turbo/Wolfgang%20and%20Blue%20Senturion.jpg)
Here's a shot of the Blue Senturion and the Red Ranger firing their
Blasters at Wolfgang, this is new footage. ![](../../Turbo/Blue%20Senturion%20and%20Red%20Ranger%20in%20same%20shot%20as%20Wolfgang.jpg)
The firing of the 2 Blasters is what destroys him in Power Rangers
however in Carranger, he just merely escapes.
All following shots is new footage.
The following info comes from Carranger Episode 2.
Here's a shot of Wolfgang. ![](../../Car/Wolfgang%20-%20Sentai.jpg)
Here's a shot of Wolfgang riding on his Bike. ![](../../Car/Wolfgang%20and%20Bike.jpg)
Here's another shot of Wolfgang. ![](../../Car/Wolfgang%20-%20Sentai%202.jpg)
Here's a White Chromite. ![](../../Car/White%20Chromite.jpg)
Here's a shot of the White Chromite falling down. ![](../../Car/White%20Chromite%20falling%20down.jpg)
Here's another shot of the White Chromite
but in this shot a
puppy is barking at it
which scares it.
Here's another shot of Wolfgang. ![](../../Car/Wolfgang%20-%20Sentai%203.jpg)
Here's a shot of the Rangers by the Turbo RAM's Car Mode. ![](../../Car/Rangers%20by%20Turbo%20RAM%20Car%20Mode.jpg)
Here's a shot of the Pink Ranger holding her Wind Fire. ![](../../Car/Pink%20Ranger%27s%20Wind%20Fire%20-%20Sentai.jpg)
Here's 2 shots of the Red Ranger's Lightning Sword.
Here's a shot of the Blue Ranger's Hand Blasters. ![](../../Car/2%20Hand%20Blasters.jpg)
Here's a shot of the Yellow Ranger's Star Chargers. ![](../../Car/Star%20Chargers.jpg)
Here's 2 shots of the Green Ranger's Thunder Cannon.
Here's a shot of the Turbo RAM in Cannon Mode. ![](../../Car/Turbo%20RAM%20Cannon%20Mode.jpg)
Wolfgang was defeated by the Turbo RAM Cannon Mode's Blast.