Here's the exterior shot of the House where Detective Stone is holding the "Who Dun It?" Party.
Here's a shot of Adam Park, Katherine "Kat" Hillard and Tanya Sloan in their guises.
Here's a shot of Adam Park in his guise.
Here's a shot of Jason, Rocky and Tanya in their guises.
Here's a shot of Skull, Detective Stone and Bulk in their guises.
Here's 2 shots of Archerina in the same shot as Kat.
Here's a shot of Zeo Ranger 1, Pink in the same shot as Princess Archerina and Prince Gasket, this is new footage.
Here's 2 shots of the Pink Ranger sparking up from her fight with Archerina, both happen to be new footage.
Here's a shot of Gasket, Nulifier and Archerina in new footage.
Here's another new shot of Prince Gasket.

NOTE: All footage of Gasket and Archerina spying on the "Who Dun It?" Mystery Party is new footage.
All footage of Pink Ranger when she goes to meet Archerina and Gasket is new footage until you see the shot of the Pink Ranger and Archerina in midair.
There are 2 new shots of Archerina attacking Zeo Ranger 1, Pink as well as the shot of Pink Ranger falling down and rolling down. The following shots of Pink Ranger in the same shot as Gasket and Archerina is also new footage.
The footage of Nuklifier appearing when Gasket summons him is new footage. All shots of him in the same scene as Gasket and Archerina is new footage. The following shot of the Pink Ranger posing is new footage.
The shot of the Pink Ranger falling down after being blasted by Nuklifier is new footage.
After the Power Chamber scene, the footage goes back to the battle and this time the battle is Sentai footage.
All footage of Auric is Sentai footage.
Side-view footage of Gasket saying "You look more like Auric the Conquered now" as well as the following shots of him laughing is new footage.
When the other 4 Rangers join the battle, it is also Sentai footage.
Everything else is Sentai when it comes to the monster and zord footage until Auric destroys Nuklifier and does his Giant victory pose.
The shots of Gasket and Archerian talking after Nuklifier's destruction is new footage.

Following info comes from Ohranger 44. Here's 2 shots of Klank, Orbus and Prince Sprocket in the Machine Skybase.
Here's 2 shots of Princess Archerina.
Here's a shot of Princess Archerina, Nuklifier, Prince Gasket and Klank.
Here's 2 shots of Nuklifier.
Here's a shot of Nuklifier, Archerina and Gasket.
Here's a shot of Nuklifier and Auric fighting.
Here's a shot of Pink Ranger and Archerina in midair.
Here's a shot of Auric facing off against Nukifier and Prince Gasket.
Here's a shot of the Rangers' "Barrier" or as it's called in the Zeo episode, their "Zeo Shield."
Here's a shot of Nuklifier sparking up after being attacked by the Rangers' "Team Spinning Kick Ball Move."
Here's 2 shots of Giant Nuklifier.
Here's a shot of Nuklifier and the Super Zeo Megazord fighting.
Here's a shot of Nuklifier sparking up after the Super Zeo Megazord tries using the Warrior Wheel Flame Strike on him but it does nothing.
Here's a shot of Nuklifier facing off against the Warrior Wheel, Auric and the Super Zeo Megazord.
Here's a shot of Giant Nuklifier being struck by Giant Auric's Sword's Lightning Blast which is what ends up destroying him (Nuklifier.)