Here's a shot of Jason, Emily, Kat and Tommy's Uncle, obviously adoptive Uncle.
Here's a shot of Tommy's Uncle.
Here's a shot of Prince Gasket and Prince Sprocket.
Here's 2 shots of Prince Gasket, both shots of him is new footage.  
Here's a shot of Prince Sprocket which is new footage.
Here's a new shot of Gasket.
Here's new footage of the Cogs.
Here's new footage of the Gold and Pink Rangers fighting the Cogs.
Here's 2 shots of Cruel Chrome which is new footage.  
Here's a new shot of the Rangers struggling while being in the same shot as Cruel Chrome.
NOTE: All shots of Gasket and Sprocket in Angel Grove is new footage, all shots of the Cogs on the beach which includes them fighting the Gold and Pink Rangers is new footage. All shots of human-size Cruel Chrome on the beach is new footage which include all Viewing Globe shots of him. All shots of the Rangers (excluding Tommy) fighting human-size Cruel Chrome is new footage. In Ohranger, the Gold Ranger's Staff's Beams and the Zeo Cannon defeated Cruel Chrome, all shots of Klank and Orbus on Earth is Sentai footage, the shot of Cruel Chrome growing is Sentai too. The footage of the Rangers on the beach reacting to the Giant Cruel Chome as well as the shot of the Green Ranger talking into his communicator is new footage along with the shot of the Yellow Ranger talking into her communicator and the Rangers' reactions to Alpha's news. All following shots of the Rangers is new footage until the Super Zeozords appdear, once the zords are shown it's Sentai footage however any time you see Prince Gasket and Prince Sprocket in the same shot together, it's new footage. All shots of the Red Ranger wearing the Brain Drain device is new footage.

Sentai info comes from Ohranger 42