a shot of David Trueheart
and a shot of Sam
Trueheart. ![](
Here's a shot of the Falcon.![](
Here's Prince Sprocket in the same shot as Adam.![](
Here's Punch-a-bunch in the same shot as Adam.![](
Here's Green Ranger in new footage.
Here's a shot of the Blue, Pink and Yellow Rangers in new footage.![](,%20Pink%20and%20Yellow%20Rangers%20-%20new%20footage%20-%20Challenges.jpg)
Here's a shot of the Rangers (minus Adam) in the same shot as Sprocket,
this is new footage.![](
Here's a shot of Giant Punch-a-bunch in new footage.![](
Here's a shot of Giant Punch-a-bunch in the same shot as the Rangers
(minus Adam) in new footage.![](
Here's a new shot of the Blue and Red Rangers in the same shot as
Sprocket and Cogs, this is also new footage.![](
Here's another new footage of Giant Punch-a-bunch in new footage but
this time he's hiding his right hand.![](
Here's a shot of Kat, morphed but helmetless.![](
Here's a shot of Sprocket and the Cogs, this is new footage.![](
Here's another shot of the Falcon.![](
Here's a shot of the Arrowhead.![](
Here's another shot of the Arrowhead, this time completely intact.![](
NOTE: Prince Sprocket is the first one out of the 5 leadership crew
members of the Machine Empire to get new footage.
NOTE: The shot of the Green Ranger when he lands (after he punches the
monster) when he realizes he doesn't think he can beat him by himself
is new footage.
The shot of the Blue Ranger and the 2 girl Rangers looking up at the
Giant Monster is new footage including when Tanya says "This is more
than we can handle" and Kat replies "I tthink we're gonna need the Red
Battlezord, you guys" and Yellow agreeing saying "Yeah."
All ground/small footage of Punch-a-bunch is Sentai fotage unless he's
seen in the same shot as Adam.
All footage of Giant Punch-a-bunch is Sentai unless he's shown in the
same shot as the 5 Rangers since that's new footage along with shots
that are shown up above.
Footage of the Rangers after the monster grows is new until Tommy says
"I don't think so" and calls for his zord.
Footage of the Giant Monster saying "You're going down for the count,
Power Rangers" is new footage.
The shot of the Red Ranger landing (after he falls out of his zord) is
new footage.
All footage of Sprocket after the Monster's Hand is damaged is new
footage. Footage of the monster sayign "Ah, gotcha, Coach" is new
footage. All following shots of the Rangers is new footqage however
when the monster returns with his Metal Gloves, it's all Sentai footage.
After Punch-a-bunch has been destroyed, all following shots of
Sprocket, the Cogs along with the Yellow, Blue, Pink and Green Rangers
is new footage.
As you can see by the below images, the Zeo Megazord was repaired by
this episode.
Following info comes from Ohranger 20.
Here's a shot of Orbus with Boxing Gloves. ![](
Here's a shot of Machina and Mondo and Klank, Klank is wearing Boxing
Gloves in this scene. ![](,%20Mondo%20and%20Klank%20-%20Klank%20is%20wearing%20Boxing%20Gloves.jpg)
Here's 2 shots of Sprocket with Boxing Gloves.
Here's Punch-a-bunch.
Here's a shot of Punch-a-bunch's belt. ![](
Here's another shot of Punch-a-bunch. ![](
Here's a shot of Punch-a-bunch fighting the Green Ranger. ![](
Here's Giant
Here's a shot of the Lauching Platform Cannon. ![](
Here's a shot of the Red Battlezord after the Cannon has launched it
into the air. ![](
Here's a shot of Punch-a-bunch and the Red Battlezord fighting. ![](
Here's another shot of the Battlezord and Punch-a-bunch fighting. ![](
Here's a shot of Punch-a-bunch hitting the Battlezord. ![](
Here's a couple shots of Giant Punch-a-bunch with a damaged Hand. ![](
Here's a shot of the Battlezord and the Zeo Megazord in the Zord
Holding Bay. ![](
Here's a couple shots of the Battlezord having done damaged parts. ![](
Here's 2 shots of Punch-a-bunch with new Metal Boxing Gloves. ![](
Here's a shot of the Zeo Megazord with Boxing Gloves. ![](
Here's 2 shots of the Battlezord and the Megazord doing a boxing
session. ![](
Here's a shot of the Yellow, Blue and Pink Rangers in the Zeo Megazord
Cockpit. ![](,%20Blue%20and%20Pink%20in%20Zeo%20Megazord%20Cockpit.jpg)
Here's 2 shots of Punch-a-bunch's feet
and here's a shot of
Giant Punch-a-bunch with his new Metal Gloves. ![](
Here's a shot of Punch-a-bunch against the Battlezord. ![](
Here's a shot of Punch-a-bunch against the Battlezord in the evil
boxing ring. ![](
Here's another shot of Punch-a-bunch against the Battlezord