a shot of Tommy, Kat, Rocky and Adam with Baby Joey.![](
Here's 3 front shots of the 5 Rangers doing their pose in new footage.![](
Here's a shot of the Red and Green Rangers fighting Cogs in new footage.![](
Here's a shot of the Green and Red Rangers in new footage fighting Cogs.![](
Here's a shot of Yellow, Pink and Red in new footage.![](
Here's a shot of Blue, Pink, Red and Yellow in new fotage.![](
Here's a shot of Alpha 5 keeping an eye on Joey.![](
Here's a shot of a Cog with its Spear.
This is the only
time when you
get to see a Cog use its Spear in new footage.
Here's a shot of the Pink and Red Rangers in the same shot as a Cog and
the baby carriage which is also new footage.![](
Here's new footage of the Pink, Red and Yellow Rangers holding their
heads in new footage.![](
Here's a side shot of the Pink and Red Rangers holding their heads.
Here's a shot of the
Cogs in the same shot as
Alpha and the baby
Here's 4 shots of Boohoo in the same shot as Alpha.![](
Here's a shot of Kat, morphed but helmetless.![](
Here's a shot of Tommy, morphed but helmetless.![](
Here's 3 shots of the Rangers in new footage.![](
Here's 2 shots of Boohoo being in the same shot as the Red Ranger
climbs up the stairs, this is new footage.
Here's a shot of the Red Ranger with the baby carriage, this is new
footage as well.
In source footage,
the Red Ranger drops the
due to being fired on.
NOTE: All footage of the Rangers fighting Cogs that don't have Spears
is new footage.
Any time Boohoo is seen in the same shot as Klank and Orbus, it's new
footage however all shots of the Rangers when they first appear at the
Power Plant is new footage until the Pink Ranger points to where Joey
is at.
The shot of the Pink Ranger saying "Don't worry Joey, we'll get you" is
new footage along with the following Ranger shots until it switches to
t he Klank and Orbus shot.
All footage of Red saying "If he cries this whole place could shak
apart" along with Pink saying "We've got to get him" is new footage.
The shot of the Cogs appearing immediately after that is new footage.
All footage of the Rangers seen in the same shot as the Cogs is new
footage however the footage switches to Sentai when you see the Pink,
Yellow, Green and Blue Rangers psoing in front of what looks like a
silverish building along with what appears to be some sort of water
tank, you can also see a side-view shot of what appears to be a
staircase however there are still some new shots of the Red Ranger
climbing up the staircase spliced in along with the Cogs appearing on
the staircase. The fighting between the Cogs and the Red Ranger is also
new footage, there's also a new shot of the baby carriage on the
All side shots of Boohoo (as you can in some examples in the above
pictures) in the same shot as the Red Ranger as he climbs the staircase
is new footage.
Basically all shots of the Red Ranger on the staircase is new footage
however the shot of the baby carriage beginning to fall down the
staircase is Sentai footage along with the shot of the Red Ranger in
midair, catching the carriage however the shot of him on the ground
with the carriage (as shown in the above image) is new footage.
In Zeo, it's implied that the Red Ranger misses Boohoo with his Zeo 5
Power Sword Finisher however in Ohranger, he didn't miss him.
There's also deleted footage of the Rangers using the Zeo Blaster on
Boohoo due to the fact that it hasn't been introduced yet.
The following info comes from Ohranger Episode 12.
Here are 2 shots of Boohoo the Clown.![](
Here's 2 shots of the Baby Carriage.![](
Here's another shot of Boohoo
and here's a shot of
Giant Boohoo.![](