Rito and Goldar in the Command Center's basement tunnel.
Here's 2 more shots of the tunnel.
Here's new footage of Witchblade's claw-hand.
Here's a shot of Goldar in the Command Center basement tunnel.
Here's a shot of Young Rocky find his Sub-Crystal in the volcano.
Here's a shot of Young Rocky with his Sub-Crystal.
Here's a shot of Young Rocky with his Sub-Crystal but this time he's in
the Command Center.
Here's a shot of Rito and Goldar in the Command Center basement tunnel.
Witchblade is only in new footage when you see the image as shown
above. I believe the remaining parts of the footage until Blue starts
rolling down the hill is new footage as well but Blue rolling down the
hill is however Kaku footage.
The shots of the Alien Rangers trying to summon their Battle Borgs but
it failing on them is new footage. Also the shots of them calling for
the Shogunzords is new footage as well.
The following info comes from the KakuRanger Episode.
Here's 3 shots of Witchblade.
Here's a shot of Saizou's Coin in his Doron Changer.
Some kind of thing at a Demon Dance.
Here's a shot of Saizou in his Ninja Uniform.
Here's 3 more shots of Witchblade.
Here's the shots of the Katana Blue Square Finisher.

Here's a shot of the Blue Square Finisher appearing on Witchblade.
Here's a shot of Ninja Blue posing after he defeats Witchblade.
Here's a shot of the Shogun Fire Saber hitting Witchblade which
destroys her.