3 shots of Dischordia in the Chamber.

Here's a shot of Dischordia in new footage.
Here's a shot of the White Ranger with his Power Coin out.
Here's a shot of the Rangers with their Metallic Armor on facing off
against Dischordia.
Here's a shot of the Shogun Megafalconzord American toy.
Here's a shot of the Shogun Ultrazord.
All shots of Dischordia appearing in the Space Skull is Kaku footage.
The footage was badly edited because you can nont only see some footage
of her Cold Steel form but after Dischordia first appears in her main
form, you can also see a shot of the Silent Knight Statue in the
All ground footage of Dischordia in Angel Grove is new footage. All
Giant shots of her is Kaku footage.
In the Power Rangers episode, Ninjor converts to Warrior Mode without
getting angry but every time Ninjaman transforms to SamuraiMan in
KakuRanger, he doesn't do so without getting angry due to a Youkai
insulting him.
The footage of Ninjor in Warrior Mode using his Energy Ball move wasn't
used against Dischordia, it's actually stock Kaku footage that they
ended up reusing for this MMPR episode.
For more information in regards to the KakuRanger episode footage
Dischordia was sourced from please see the following link: KakuRanger Episodes 50, 51 and