are 4 shots of Master Vile in the Chamber.
Here's a shot of Rito, Vile and Goldar in the Space Skull.
Here's a shot of Blue Globbor, Master Vile, Goldar and Rito in the
Space Skull's main throne room.
Here's 5 shots of the Metallic Armor.

Here's a shot of the Pink and White Ranger in the Chamber.
Here's a shot of the Blue Ranger adjusting the Shogun Megazord controls.
Here's a shot of the Black Ranger using the scanner in the Shogun
Megazord cockpit.
Here's a shot of the Blue Ranger getting ready to remove a panel in the
Shogun Megazord cockpit.
Here's a shot of the panel removed.
Here's a shot of the Falconzord remote almost in the panel.
Here's a shot of the Falconzord remote in the panel. 
Here's a shot of the Falconzord remote installed in the panel.
Here's a shot of the White Ranger in the Chamber.
Here's a side shot of the Pink Ranger in the Chamber.
Here's 2 shots of Kat - morphed but helmetless in the Chamber.

All shots of Blue Globbor is Kaku footage except for the 1 shot of him
in the evil lair throne room when he can be seen in the same shot as
Rito and Goldar.
Pretty much all shots of Master Vile in the Space Skull is new footage
as long as he's not shown in the same shot as Goldar and/or Rito.
For more information in regards to the Kaku episodes Blue Globbor comes
from please see the following link: KakuRanger
Episodes 42, 43 and