a shot of Kimberly's Mom's fiancé.
Here's a couple shots of Artistmole in new footage.

Here's a new shot of Ninjor.
Here's a shot of Ninjor with the other 5 Rangers.
Here's another new shot of Artistmole.
Here's a shot of the Ninja Megazord cockpit which is an American
All cockpits in this
season are an American creation.
Here's a shot of the Ninja Megafalconzord cockpit.
Here's a shot of Aisha
and her parents and
here's a closer shot of
Aisha's parents.
All ground footage of Artistmole is new. As soon as the growth
lightning comes, Artistmole is in Kaku footage.
All info comes from the following Kaku ep.
Here are 3 Kaku shots of Artistmole.

Here's a shot of Artistmole facing the Ninja Megazord and Ninjor. 
Here's a shot of Artistmole sparking up after being hit by Ninjor WM's
(Warrior Mode) Energy Ball.
Here's a shot of the Ninja Mega Falconzord delivering its Ape Wolf
Punch on Artistmole which finishes him off.