are shots to the Path to the Temple.

Here's a shot of the Temple Door.
Here's a shot of the Temple Gate.
Here's a shot of the powerless Rangers in front of the Gate
and this
next shot is a shot of them inside the Gate after it opens.
Here's some shots of the Rangers in the Temple.

Here's a shot of the Rangers with Billy near the Blue Bottle.
Here's a faraway shot of Ninjor.
Here's a close-up
shot of Ninjor. 
Here's a shot of Aisha in her Ninja Uniform but without the full hood
Here's a shot of Kimberly in her Ninja Uniform but without the full
hood on.
Here's a shot of Adam
and Rocky
in their Ninja
Uniforms but without the
full hood on.
Here are shots of Billy
and Tommy
in their Ninja
Uniforms but without
the full hood on.
Here's a shot of the 5 Rangers in their Ninja Uniforms while they're
outside as Ninjor talks.
Here's a shot of the Red Ninja
and White Ninja
powers already
activated, they have the full hood on.
Here's a shot of a White Ninja decoy uniform.
Here's a shot of the full Ninja uniforms and part of Ninjor.
Here's a shot of the 6 Ninja uniforms as they prepare to call for their
new morphing energies.
All instances of Ninjor when he's shown in this bottle, that is what
I'll be referring to as "Bottled Footage,"
all of Ninjor's Bottled
Footage in this episode is taken from KakuRanger Episode 36 however as
soon as he appears human-size, it's new footage all the way through.
For additional information in regards to the Gasha Skull (Rito) footage
that was used not only in KakuRanger Episode 24 but also in Episode 30
and 31 (30 and 31 being where most of the Giant Rito Kaku shots is
taken from) as well as other information in regards to those 3
KakuRanger Episodes please see the following link:Kaku
24, 30 and 31