DaiRanger 17, Byakko the Sword (our Saba) was using telepathy to
communicate to Kou, a young child to become the KibaRanger. He needed
to get the Kiba Changer from Lin's Room (she had no knowledge of it
being there) and then he needed to pull out Byakko. With those 2
things, he became the KibaRanger. The 3 Ladies were assigned to keep
KibaRanger from being awakened but they failed at their mission. Byakko
takes over control of KibaRanger in order to conceal the kid's identity
which includes even talking for him.
Here's a shot of Lady Ring
and a shot of her
with her Weapon. ![](
Here's a shot of Lady Necklace
and a shot of her
with her Weapon. ![](
Here's a shot of Lady Earring
and a shot of her
with her Sword. ![](
Here's a group shot of the 3 Ladies. ![](
Here's a shot of Kou.![](
Here's 2 shots of KibaRanger.
In DaiRanger 18, Kou moves in with Lin but she's not happy with the
idea. The 3 Gorma Ladies are searching for KibaRanger's identity who
they believe to be a young boy that has a tiger mark burned on his
rgiht arm. Lady Earring is the one who discovers KibaRanger's identity.
KibaRanger with Byakko's aide defeats Lady Earring with his Special
attack. Lady Earring dies later on in her human guise.
Here's a shot of the Kiba Changer along with the Key-like thing.
Here's a shot of the Sword about to hit Lady Earring.![](
In DaiRanger 19, the 2 remaining Ladies try to expose KibaRanger's
identity but with the smarts of Byakko, their plan was foiled. Here's a
shot of the Blue DaiRanger facing off against Lady Ring. ![](
Here's a shot after Blue kicks Lady Ring with a powered-up kick.![](
In DaiRanger 20, Gorma the 15th was awakened and became the current
master of the Gorma. Shadam had discovered that a 6th Kiden Beast would
be appearing soon. Lady Necklace was defeated by the Wheel Boomerangs'
Blue Beam attack and then she used her Bomb to grow. Lady Necklace was
destroyed by the Thunder Megazord's Saber Finisher. Here's a shot of
Gorma the 15th. ![](
Here's a shot of Lady Necklace being hit by the Wheel
Boomerangs. ![](
Here's a shot of the Thunder Megazord facing the Giant Lady
Necklace. ![](
Here's a shot of the Thunder Saber slash effect on Giant Lady
Necklace. ![](
In DaiRanger 21, Lady Ring brought ghosts of her sisters into the
battle. Ryou was kidnapped by the 3 Gorma Commanders so that they could
prevent the birth of the 6th Kiden Beast since all 5 DaiRanger have to
be at the birthing land or the Kiden Beast cannot be born.
In DaiRanger 22, the 6th Beast was born.
Here's a shot of the Tigerzord in Tiger Mode.![](
Here's 2 shots of the White Ranger on the Tigerzord in Tiger Mode.
Here's a full shot of the Tigerzord cockpit.
Here's a shot of where the White Ranger places Saba at when it comes to
activating the zord's Warrior Mode. ![](
Here are shots of the Tigerzord in Warrior Mode.
Here are shots of the Mega Tigerzord.
Here's a shot of the Green, Pink, Yellow and Blue Rangers in the Tiger
Beast cockpit along with KibaRanger when the Japanese version of the
Mega Tigerzord forms.![](
Here's a couple of shots of the Red Dragon Thunderzord in Warrior Mode
riding on the White Tigerzord in Tiger Mode.
Here's a shot of the Orbs in the Tigerzord cockpit. ![](
Here's a shot of KibaRanger with his Rai-Rai Ball.![](
Here's a shot of the 3 Giant Ladies.