Here's the Gas Monster  
Here's a shot of the Rangers and the Blue Senturion fighting Chromites
Here's a shot of the Blue Senturion grabbing the Gas Monster's monster while he's stuck the Gas Monster's Pump into his (the Monster's) nose
Here's the Blue Senturion and the Red Ranger in the Lightning Cruiser
Here's a shot of the 4 Rangers in front of Storm Blaster
Here's the Car Machine
Here's 2 of the Ohrangers
Here's another 2 shots of the Car Machine  
Here's 4 of the Ohrangers minus Momo, the Pink one
Here are the 4 Zeo Rangers minus the Pink one
Here's a shot of the Red Rangers fighting
Here's a shot of the Red, Blue and Pink Rangers fighting
Here's the Turbo Megazord and the Zeo Megazord facing off
Here's a shot of the Turbo Megazord and the Zeo Megazord duking it out but this time they're armed with their primary weapons
Here's another Red vs Red fight, this time with Red Zeo using his Sword and Red Turbo using his Blade
Here's another shot of the Red vs Red fight but this time Red Turbo brought out his Sword
Here's the Lightning Cruiser and the Red Zeo Jet Cycle in front of various Diva Cars
Here's a Zeo Ranger who is in the middle of a fight with Elgar
Here's the Zeo Megazord flying in Space
Here's the Turbo Rangers in the Zeo Megazord cockpit
Here's the Turbo Rangers in the Space Base
Here's 6 Rangers in the Zeo Megazord cockpit
Here's Blue Zeo fighting Chromites
Here's Pink Zeo fighting Chromites
Here's Giant Gas and Giant Car Machine
Here's 2 Monsters facing off against 2 Megazords
Here's the Terrorzord  
Here's 2 Megazords and Robo Racer
Here's a shot of Terrorzord sparking up after the Robo Racer attacks it with its Blade
Here's a shot of the Sword which more than likely belongs to Car Machine "
Robo Racer Synergizer Blaster Mode destroys Terrorzord, Zeo Megazord's Saber Finisher destroys Car Machine and Rescue Megazord's Artillery Power destroys Gas.