2 Megazords from Dino Thunder
2 Ninja Storm Megazords, Thunder Megazord armed with the Sting Blaster
Storm Megazord's Serpent Sword and Thundersaurus Megazord's Drill
Megazord (with Mesodon partgs) kicks Storm Megazord
Mace is struck by the Hammer and the Mace hits the Thundersaurus Megazord
Fura and the one they sometimes call Wendi but usually call Wendiu
Fura and Wendiu, one holding a Jewel
Scarf hits Red
Scarf hits Black
Scarf hits Yellow
Dark Ninja
Dark Ninja has been hit by 2 lasers which originate from... the Crimson Blaster and Yellow's Laser Blaster
Dark Ninja with red scarf
Dark Ninja with a blue scarf
Dark Ninja white white scarf
Dino Red (unmorphed) fires unmorphed Red Wind's Shurikens. The Shurikens destroy the red Dark Ninja clone/Shadow/copy.
The combined efforts of unmorphed Blue Dino breaking the Blue clone's bones plus the unmorphed Yellow Dino firing her Morpher's laser, that destroys the blue copy.
Asuka is the one that destroys the white clone.
Dark Ninja along with most of the Evorian leadership
4 Dino
9 Rangers
Yellow Laser Blaster hits
Here's Yellow Wind Ranger riding on Blue Dino Ranger
Here's Yellow Wind Ranger, Blue Dino Ranger and Black Ranger
Here's what I'll call the Tri-Ground Fire Strike
Navy using his Navy Antler to grab onto the White Ranger due to White being evil
Crimson and White's fight, this is following Crimson already striking him with his Staff
Here's Blue Wind and Yellow Ptera Ranger
Jannu's attack traps the 2 girls in midair
Here's Yellow Ptera Ranger flying with Blue Wind Ranger grabbing onto it while she's armed with her Laser Blaster
Red fires Laser Blaster and other Red fires Thundermax Laser
Here's Red Wind Ranger standing atop the Red Tyranno Dino Ranger
Here's the Dark Ninja sparking up after Triassic Ranger attacks him with his Shield's Sword Blade
Thunderstorm Z-Rex Blaster
Hawkzord exiting Brachio
Lionzord walking down Brachio's neck
Dolphinzord swimming/gliding down Brachio
Here are the 2 Ninja Storm Thunderzords exiting from Brachio
Here are all of the primary Ninja Storm and Dino Thunder zords minus the ones used by Green and White
Dark Ninja and Stegozord
Thunderstorm Megazord and Thundersaurus Megazord
Stegozord hit by Thunderstorm's 3 lasers that were fired at the same time
Thunderstorm hit by Stegozord's missile thing
Here are Dark Ninja's Swords
Dark Ninja struck by a red Sphere
Here's a Blue Sphere after it strikes Dark Ninja
2 Spheres striking Dark Ninja
Green Ranger
Green has the Lightning Riff Blaster in his possession.
Power Sphere
Thundersaurus with a Gold Serpent Sword
Here's Thundersaurus and 2 clones of it
The 3 attack Dark Ninja with their Gold Serpent Sword and that destroys Dark Ninja.